Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog 3

As I just recently received an email wondering if I was dating a goat and now into wheelchair racing vs running I thought I would attempt to explain in depth the situation for me in Haiti. Do to the brief and few blogs and random pictures I can only imagine the image that would be conjured up... But a reality check is over due. It is easier to post the anonymous picture of a goat, but is quite a bit harder is to post the pictures of the faces and issues that I am directly corresponded with. You might ask why not?? That is ridiculous, but these situation are not easily explained and there is a since of protection there thus needing permission to post a picture and explain a story that is not mine.

From the day we got here there was already a rehab in effect at the St. Charles. 3 "rehab techs" staff a 7 bed inpatient/outpatient rehab and a primary care facility. In March the inpatient is sadly closing... Sad due to Haiti is losing a much needed resource, an inpatient rehab. Funding has been cut, so thus changes had to be made. The clinic as of next month will be an outpatient clinic only.

For the last month and half we have discharged 3 patient's, one left on her own, and the next three will leave the following week. It is amazing each one of those patients I could write for days and blogs on.... Thus the lack of writing at all, but I really want to share one that impacted me thus so far the most. Benny.

I say, Benny, meaning Benny and his Brother Frebrear. They are a joint because one's outcome effects the other, much like all Haitian families. Due to Benny's injury Frebrears life has been completely altered as well. Both are caregivers to the other. Benny is the older brother of Frebear, and thus the designated caretaker, but due to sustaining an T-10 spinal cord injury, Frebrear is now the caregiver of Benny the older brother. Throw in a side of Mother abandonment and father dying within the last year and you have yourself the making's of a Haitian story. For toppings try that Benny's back was never stabilized after the injury and he has two wounds on his bottom. If you are too depressed at this time, please fill free to open a bottle of rum and take a nap.

Now that you have the setting now the character. Benny: "mwen renmen travay" I love to work. The 23 year old Haitian stated.... Whatever we ask of him, Benny completes with overzealousness, with huge brown eyes staring at you for acceptance, and whatever else you are willing to give him. Your cell phone, tennis shoes, work, attention, exercises, a hug, cookies, care for his brother....

Due to his wounds, Benny was not able to be discharged due to the fact that he would die. He lives in the country side and he and his brother never attended school. Freberer, 13, told me after much prodding that he was a gardener, but had fallen ill due to "magic line." What that is your guest as good as mine, and is some form of ill placed on a person via voodoo. Medically he probably got ill from something he ate or contracted tending too the garden.
Anyways, back to Benny being discharged and dying or surgery. Miracles do happen and a somehow a far away land called Cap Haitian was able to take Benny and complete a surgery for him. A plane will be carted on Monday and he will be flow there. Frebere through no choice of his own, will go willing as his care taker. When I asked him what he wanted, he stated, "What choice do I have."

Limited choices, limited resources, but sometimes it works. Celebrate when you can. As for the rest of it and my work here. Struggling with that daily.... How do I make the maxima benefit in such limited time with such limited resources is the goals in mind. As of right now we have goals for a stroke prevention class. We have currently graduated our first back (pain) class, which have willingly decided to continue to come for an exercise class! Yes I had them running around the soccer field! Its one small step at a time and trying not to tackle too many problems at once. Thank you again for all of your support and love. Jeanie

1 comment:

  1. Jeanie Lee... My hero. My sis. I am now in love with Benny and Febrere. : ) I know you are in the DR right now but I am still thinking of u and missing you! Hope you are safe! I love YOU!
